Children of today don’t even know that in our days you could be beaten for any of the following reasons:

1. Crying after being beaten

2. Not crying after being beaten

3. Crying without being beaten

4. Standing where elders are seated

5. Sitting while elders are standing

6. Walking around aimlessly where elders are seated

7. Eating food prepared for visitors

8. Refusing to eat

9. Coming back home after sunset

10. Eating at the neighbour’s home

11. Generally being too moody

12. Generally being too excited

13. Loosing a fight with your age mate

14. Winning a fight with your age mate

15. Eating too slowly

16. Eating too quickly

17. Eating too much

18. Not finishing your food

19. Finishing your food and Scraping your plate

20. Eating and talking

21. Sleeping while the elders had already woken up

22. Looking at the visitors while they are eating

23. Stumbling and falling when walking

24. Looking at an elder eye ball to eye ball

25. When an elder is talking to you and you blink

26. When an elder is talking to you and you stare and not blink

27. When you look at an elder through the corner of your eye

28. When your mates are playing street football and you join them

29. When your mates are playing and you don’t join them

30. When you don’t wash your dish after eating

31. When you wash your dish improperly

32. When you almost break your dish

33. When you break your dish

34. When you bite your nails.

34.. When you don’t bathe

35. When you bathe too quickly

36. When you take too long to bathe

37. When you’re beaten in school for misbehaving

38. When a car almost knocks you down

39. When a car knocks you down and you don’t die!


Some of these reasons for beating a child may appear far-fetched today but they sure did happen and they were the norm that shaped the adults of today.😂😂🤣


Friends You Should Have In Your Life…. I really appreciate this post I made from years back.

Rix D Samuel Olupot

Before I forget, let me ask a simple question;

Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death? –Well Science says so and I believe because I somehow am a Scientist myself- simply because I did some science related subjects in my primary and secondary levels (It really doesn’t make me the ‘Real’ Scientist (crazy, confused or even mad scientist) people know but it still makes me one whatever the category)

So to up your chances of living a long, happy life, having a few buddies won’t do the trick. You need a diverse, well-rounded entourage that will stick with you through thick and thin.  You should also know, as I do, that one person can’t fulfil every friendship function.

The following types of friends are just what you need to keep the Doctor away and hence avoiding early deaths;

A Loyal Best Friend;

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Marry Me

Man👳🏿: Marry me?

Woman👩🏻: Do you have a flat?🏡

Man👳🏿 : No.

Woman👩🏻: Do you have a Camry car?🚗

Man👳🏿: No.

Woman👩🏻: How much is your salary?💵💸

Man👳🏿: No salary, but I….!

Woman👩🏻: No but Wat….! You have nothing. How can I marry you? Leave please before I open eyes 👀for you!

Man👳🏿: But I have one estate🏘🏠🏯, 3 Ferraris🚘🚖🚘, 3 landed properties, 2 Porsches🚙🚕 and 2 Gwagons.

Why do I still need to buy Camry🚗.

How can I be paid salary💸💵 when actually I’m the BOSS…

Woman👩🏻: That’s why I told you to leave, cause am coming to your house myself to propose to you….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

A pastor healed a mad man in church

Pastor: I think you’re OK now

Mad man: Yes pastor, I thank God for what he has done in my life

Pastor: You can sing a song to praise Him

Mad man: glory glory man united glory glory man united!!

Pastor: you’re still mad. 🤣🤣🤣


A group of people were beating a thief, who was accused of stealing a goat. On their way, they met a pastor.

The following conversation transpired between them;

PASTOR: Why are you beating him?

PEOPLE: He stole a goat.

THIEF: Haa! I didn’t steal a goat, I only stole a rope, but at the end of the rope, there was a goat.😨🐐

Feels Good To Be Back Home


Any Ugandan who has lived outside Uganda for a long time will agree with me that when you step back into the country, you are shocked by a few things here and there. Learning about your country off the internet or from the news on TV can be a real lie. I have lived in Scotland for nearly three years and I have been hearing rumours about how my country is going through tough time.

I believed a number of these stories but have remained reserved on some others. As someone who is into service delivery, I decided to find out for myself if the service delivery in Uganda is any good.

I recently came back from Scotland. The decision to leave what is now my second home, was partly because I wanted to experience Uganda on my own; the weather, the fashion, the music and the food.

I am…

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The Bbale Francis TV time-machine


Throughout my entire childhood, there are several people whose careers and persona had a great deal of impact in my life. Among all these, four individuals stand out as the constant reminders that I will forever miss the days when I was younger.

First was the pope because he came to Ugandan in the 90s and my parents seemed to worship the very ground he walked on. I adored everything they adored – the pope was one of them. We were dragged to church every single Sunday because Catholic parents were not about to let their children grow into religious weeds when there was a wall hanging of Pope John Paul II in the house.

The second person who made my childhood one heck of a wonderful experience was John James Rambo. The Lone Wolf was a great part of my childhood because he inspired some of the recklessness and…

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A fading pearl


When I was in my A’ Level, my literature teacher once took us through a strange lesson where he asked us to describe the country that we all know is Uganda. The exercise involved us describing Uganda as a human being, animal, inanimate object, celestial being or whatever our imagination conjured. After aggregating all our descriptions, it became apparent that we had discovered what Uganda looked like.

Uganda was described as a gorgeous female goddess with curvy posterior, full breasts, short hair, long searching legs and large round shy eyes. She’d look at you and instantly look away; afraid to pierce into your soul with her gaze. She was kind but stern, warm, charming and very friendly. She wore the simplest outfits but always looked the finest in the lot. Her singing was described as angelic and she had a well constructed form of speech.


African girl by Otunga


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Sell It!

I think Beewol shud sell me his brains…damn de r da best… #KeepItUP…


New and interesting revelations by Fisheries state minister Ruth Nankabirwa have created substantial uproar on social media in the past few days. Someone sent me a link to an online article about the Honourable Minister’s pronouncement on Lake Victoria and I was particularly intrigued. I am not the biggest environmentalist out there and neither can I claim to be huge on issues to be with Lake Victoria. I am not even a fish or related to a Mermaid so I am not so big on water bodies. However, I was taken aback when I read that there were/are plans to ”find an investor to manage” a part of the Lake.

Lake VicSee that pretty blue thingi in the middle? It’s up for sale

With the Government finalising plans to have a private investor take over Lake Victoria, one then wonders what else we shall be left with. Well, before people can…

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